January 10, 2011
January 10, 2011 by ellen
Filed under: Writing (Edit)
Okay as of this post I have found the faucet booklet in a place where it had no business to be. Of course, it’s too cold to go outside and get to the hardware store to buy the proper tool. But I shall soon….Oh my, Logan and Rilla have been in limbo for twelve years now. It’s time their story should be told. I intend to work on that just as soon as I can get some kind of organization in this place. Logan is a Federal Marshall and Rilla is the independent daughter of a wealthy New Orleans businessman. She adores her younger brother, Andrew, and her great aunt Queen. Queen is quite a cute little lady–full of fun and the love of adventure. Drew reads Huckleberry Finn and longs for the carefree life of a river vagabond. Candace is Rilla’s beautiful deaf friend. Sign language will enter into this historical paddlewheeler story. Logan was introduced in my first book that appears on this site. Some commented that they liked Logan better than Rafe, the hero of the story. Logan has quite a story himself, as does Rilla, Aunt Queen, Drew, and Enri, Rilla’s fiance. I must finish this novel. I must! I must! If you like my musings, please let me know.
Kitchen Faucet
January 7, 2011 by ellen
Filed under: Writing (Edit)
Wow, it’s January 2011, another year over and what have I done? Enjoy my Grands and try to organize this place. Don’t know if that’s possible! My organization skills “stink”. Our kitchen faucet is leaking and I accidentally found the booklet to it. But put it away ’til another day. Now that I’m ready to see about the faucet, I can’t find the booklet anywhere. And I have to have it because it tells the special kind of tool that’s needed to get the handle off. Need a new garage door, too. But that’s another story.
“Share the wealth”
October 29, 2008 by ellen
Filed under: Politics (Edit)
Okay, okay, okay….
Obviously, republicans don’t understand the concept of “share the wealth”…
In effect, it is not the “sharing” or “giving away” of money.
It is what happens when employers actually pay their employees a decent, livable, much above minimum wage with health benefits for work done. It’s true, the employers don’t wind up with as much money–but they wind up with happy, content, willing to work, employees…and that means more money for all!
from Ellen’s point of view…
Issue of Abortion
October 29, 2008 by ellen
Filed under: Politics (Edit)
Republicans keep harping on the abortion issue. But what have THEY done to change anything in the past eight years? Or all those republican years after 1974? They’re not going to change anything about abortion, because many of them secretly believe in the woman’s right to choose.
I don’t. Abort means to kill. And killing is wrong. There has to be a better way.
But I’m tired of being accused of not being a Christian just because I’m a democrat. It is what republicans say and think.
I don’t believe in abortion. But it was made a law in 1974. Republicans always make this an election issue, but have NEVER done anything to abolish the law! So it’s not an issue with me as far as voting. Health insurance for all IS an issue for me. Staying out of war IS an issue with me. Paying people a decent wage is an issue with me.
As far as being a Christian, when Jesus said to help the needy and poor, He didn’t specify whether they deserved it or not…. When he said to visit those in prison, He didn’t say whether they deserved it or not…. When He said to love our neighbor, He didn’t specify that they had to deserve our love….
Just what does “lorem ipsum” mean?
September 13, 2008 by ellen
Filed under: Writing (Edit)
I was in Adobe Illustrator and came across the phrase “Lorem ipsum, etc.” so looked it up. Thought this was funny…